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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib_inline
import seaborn as sns
from functools import partial
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import lax, vmap
from jax.scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import jax.random as jrandom
import blackjax
import numpy as np
key = jrandom.PRNGKey(123)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Blackjax#
Let’s use the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm to sample from a “banana”-shaped distribution (defined in section 5.1.3 of Wang et. al.).
Here is the probability density of the banana distribution with high curvature:
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def banana_logdensity(x, a=1.15, b=0.5, rho=0.5):
"""A banana-shaped distribution. Comes from a nonlinear transformation of a correlated Gaussian."""
x1, x2 = x
u1 = x1/a
u2 = a*(x2 - b*(u1**2 + a**2))
return multivariate_normal.logpdf(jnp.array([u1, u2]), jnp.zeros(2), jnp.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]]))
def plot_2d_function(f, alpha=1.0, plot_type="pcolormesh", ax=None, levels=None):
x = jnp.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
y = jnp.linspace(-1, 11, 100)
X, Y = jnp.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = vmap(f)(jnp.stack([X.flatten(), Y.flatten()], axis=1)).reshape(X.shape)
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
if plot_type == "contour":
ax.contour(X, Y, jnp.exp(Z), alpha=alpha, cmap="Greens", levels=levels)
elif plot_type == "pcolormesh":
ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, jnp.exp(Z), alpha=alpha)
ax.set_xticks([-2, 0, 2])
ax.set_yticks([0, 2, 4, 6])
sns.despine(trim=True, left=True, bottom=True)
return ax
banana_logdensity_high_curv = partial(banana_logdensity, a=1.15, b=1.0, rho=0.9)
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo recap#
Intuitively, HMC works by simulating the dynamics of a particle moving in a potential energy field.
As an analogy, think of the probability density plot above as showing the elevation of a landscape, where the bright region is a valley. Imagine placing a ball somewhere on this landscape and kicking in a random direction with a random amount of force. Let the ball roll for a while, then stop it and record its position. Repeat this process many times, and the positions you record will be samples from the target distribution. This is HMC in a nutshell.
Let’s do it in BlackJax:
# HMC hyperparameters
step_size = 0.1
inverse_mass_matrix = jnp.eye(2)
num_integration_steps = 20
# Create the HMC kernel
hmc = blackjax.hmc(
banana_logdensity_high_curv, step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, num_integration_steps
def step(state, _):
"""A single step of the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler. Used with `lax.scan`."""
key, kernel_state = state
key, subkey = jrandom.split(key)
kernel_state, info = hmc.step(subkey, kernel_state)
return (key, kernel_state), (kernel_state.position, info)
def run_mcmc_chain(key, init_state, num_samples):
"""Run a chain of MCMC."""
_, (samples, info) = lax.scan(step, (key, init_state), None, length=num_samples)
return samples, info
num_chains = 5
num_samples_per_chain = 200
key, key_run, key_init = jrandom.split(key, 3)
keys = jrandom.split(key_run, num_chains)
init_state_spread = 2.0
init_state = vmap(hmc.init)(init_state_spread*jrandom.normal(key_init, (num_chains, 2)))
samples, info = vmap(run_mcmc_chain, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(keys, init_state, num_samples_per_chain)
Let’s make the trace plot (with the help of the arviz
import arviz as az
az.plot_trace(np.array(samples[:, :]), compact=False, backend_kwargs=dict(figsize=(8,4), tight_layout=True));
Let’s look at \(\hat{R}\) to assess convergence (see the Metropolis-Hastings hands-on activity for more details):
compute_diagnostics_every = 10
rhats = []
for i in range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every):
rhat = blackjax.diagnostics.potential_scale_reduction(samples[:, :i])
rhats = jnp.array(rhats)
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,4))
ax.plot(range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every), rhats[:,0], label=r"$\hat{R}$ for $x_1$")
ax.plot(range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every), rhats[:,1], label=r"$\hat{R}$ for $x_2$")
ax.axhline(1.0, color="black", linestyle="--")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of samples")
It looks like the chains converge fairly quickly.
Let’s look at the effective sample size (ESS) to see how many independent samples we have (again, see the Metropolis-Hastings hands-on activity for more details):
n_effs = []
for i in range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every):
n_eff = blackjax.diagnostics.effective_sample_size(samples[:, :i])
n_effs = jnp.array(n_effs)
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,4))
ax.plot(range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every), n_effs[:,0], label=r"$\hat{R}$ for $x_1$")
ax.plot(range(2, num_samples_per_chain, compute_diagnostics_every), n_effs[:,1], label=r"$\hat{R}$ for $x_2$")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of samples")
ax.set_ylabel("Effective sample size")
The ESS is very high. This is good—it means that our samples are not correlated, and we don’t have to thin them out.
Finally, let’s plot the samples:
# The original shape of the `samples` array is (n_chains, n_samples, n_dim)
burn_in = 50 # Remove first N samples
thin = 1 # Only keep every M samples
true_samples = samples[:, burn_in::thin]
# Concatenate the chains. Final shape is (n_chains * n_true_samples_per_chain, n_dim)
true_samples = true_samples.reshape(-1, 2)
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x = jnp.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
y = jnp.linspace(-3, 7, 100)
X, Y = jnp.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = vmap(banana_logdensity)(jnp.stack([X.flatten(), Y.flatten()], axis=1)).reshape(X.shape)
ax = plot_2d_function(banana_logdensity_high_curv, alpha=0.4);
ax.set_title("MCMC samples from \nthe original distribution", fontsize=16)
ax.scatter(true_samples[:, 0], true_samples[:, 1], s=2, alpha=0.5);
They look good! Note that even though the distribution has high curvature, HMC is still able to efficiently sample from it.