
Before moving forward, make sure you understand:

What is Sequential Monte Carlo?

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) is a very efficient and effective way to sample from complicated probability distributions known up to a normalizing constant. The most important complicating factor is multi-modality. That is, probability distributions that do not look at all like Gaussians.

The complete details can be found in Mathematical Details. However, let us give some insights on what is really going on. Assume that we want so sample from a probability distribution p(x), known up to a normalizing constant:

p(x) \propto \pi(x).

Normally, we construct a variant of MCMC to sample from this distribution. If p(x) is multi-modal, it is certain that the Markov Chain will get attracted to one of the modes. Theoretically, if the modes are connected, it is guaranteed that they will all be visited as the number of MCMC steps goes to infinity. However, depending on the probability of the paths that connect the modes, the chain might never escape during the finite number of MCMC steps that we can actually afford to perform.

SMC attempts to alleviate this problem. The way it does it is similar to the ideas found in Simulated Annealing. The user defines a family of probability densities:

(1)p_{i}(x) \propto \pi_{i}(x),\;i=1,\dots,n,

such that:

  • it is easy to sample from p_0(x) (either directly or using MCMC),
  • the probability densities p_i(x) and p_{i+1}(x) are similar,
  • the last probability density of the sequence is the target, i.e., p_n(x) = p(x).

There are many ways to define such a sequence. Usually, the exact sequence that needs to be followed is obvious from the definition of the problem. An obvious choice is:

(2)p_i(x) \propto \pi^{\gamma_i}(x),\;i=1,\dots,n,

where \gamma_0 is a non-negative number that makes p_i(x) look flat (e.g., if p(x) has a compact support, you may choose \gamma_0=0 which makes p_0(x) the uniform density. For the general case a choice like \gamma_0=10^{-3} would still do a good job) and \gamma_n=1. If n is chosen sufficiently large and gamma_i < \gamma_{i+1} then indeed p_i(x) and p_{i+1}(x) will look similar.

Now we are in a position to discuss what SMC does. We represent each one of the probability densities p_i(x) (1) with a particle approximation \left\{\left(w^{(j)_i}, x^{(j)_i}\right)\right\}_{j=1}^N, where:

  • N is known as the number of particles,
  • w^{(j)}_i is known as the weight of particle j (normalized so that \sum_{j=1}^Nw^{(j)}_i=1),
  • x^{(j)}_i is known as the particle j.

Typically we write:

(3)p_i(x) \approx \sum_{j=1}^Nw^{(j)}_i\delta\left(x - x^{(j)}_i\right),

but what we really mean is that for any measurable function of the state space f(x) the following holds:

(4)\lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}\sum_{j=1}^Nw_i^{(j)}f\left(x^{(j)}_i\right) = \
\int f(x) p_i(x)dx,

almost surely.

So far so good. The only issue here is actually constructing a particle approximation satisfying (4). This is a little bit involved and thus described in Mathematical Details. Here it suffices to say that it more or less goes like this:

  1. Start with i=0 (i.e., the easy to sample distribution).
  2. Sample x_0^{(j)} from p_0(x) either directly (if possible) or using MCMC and set the weights equal to w_0^{(j)} = 1 / N. Then (4) is satisfied for i=0.
  3. Compute the weights w_{i+1}(j) and sample -using an appropriate MCMC kernel- the particles of the next step x_i^{(j+1)} so that they corresponding particle approximation satisfies (4).
  4. Set i=i+1.
  5. If i=n stop. Otherwise go to 3.

What is implemented in pysmc?

pysmc implements something a little bit more complicated than what is described in What is Sequential Monte Carlo?. The full description can be found in Mathematical Details. Basically, we assume that the user has defined a one-parameter family of probability densities:

(5)p_{\gamma}(x) \propto \pi_{\gamma}(x).

The code must be initialized with a particle approximation at a desired value of \gamma=\gamma_0. This can be done either manually by the user or automatically by pysmc (e.g. by direct sampling or MCMC). Having constructed an initial particle approximation, the code can be instructed to move it to another \gamma=\gamma_1. If the two probability densities p_{\gamma_0}(x) and p_{\gamma_1}(x) are close, then the code will jump directly into the construction of the particle approximation at \gamma=\gamma_1. If not, then it will adaptively construct a finite sequence of \gamma‘s connecting \gamma_0 and \gamma_1 and jump from one to the other. Therefore, the user only needs to specify:

  • the initial, easy-to-sample-from probability density,
  • the target density,
  • a one-parametric family of densities that connect the two.

We will see how this can be achieved through a bunch of examples.

A Simple Example

We will start with a probability density with two modes, namely a mixture of two normal densities:

(6)p(x) = \pi_1 \mathcal{N}\left(x | \mu_1, \sigma_1^2 \right) + \
       \pi_2 \mathcal{N}\left(x | \mu_2, \sigma_2^2 \right),

where \mathcal{N}(x|\mu, \sigma^2) denotes the probability density of a normal random variable with mean \mu and variance \sigma^2. \pi_i>0 is the weight given to the i-th normal (\pi_1 + \pi_2 = 1) and \mu_i, \sigma_i^2 are the corresponding mean and variance. We pick the following parameters:

  • \pi_1=0.2, \mu_1=-1, \sigma_1=0.01,
  • \pi_2=0.8, \mu_2=2, \sigma_2=0.01.

This probability density is shown in Simple Example PDF Figure. It is obvious that sampling this probability density using MCMC will be very problematic.


Plot of (6) with \pi_1=0.2, \mu_1=-1, \sigma_1=0.01 and \pi_2=0.8, \mu_2=2, \sigma_2=0.01.

Defining a family of probability densities for SMC

Remember that our goal is to sample (6) using SMC. Towards this goal we need to define a one-parameter family of probability densities (5) starting from a simple one to our target. The simplest choice is probably this:

(7)\pi_{\gamma}(x) = p^{\gamma}(x).

Notice that: 1) for \gamma=1 we obtain p_\gamma(x) and 2) for \gamma small (say \gamma=10^{-2}) we obtain a relatively flat probability density. See Simple Example Family of PDF’s Figure.


Plot of \pi_\gamma(x) of (7) for various \gamma‘s.

Defining a PyMC model

Since, this is our very first example we will use it as an opportunity to show how PyMC can be used to define probabilistic models as well as MCMC sampling algorithms. First of all let us mention that a PyMC model has to be packaged either in a class or in a module. For the simple example we are considering, we choose to use the module approach (see examples/simple_model.py). The model can be trivially defined using PyMC decorators. All we have to do is define the logarithm of \pi_{\gamma}(x). We will call it mixture. The contents of that module are:

import pymc
import numpy as np
import math

def mixture(value=1., gamma=1., pi=[0.2, 0.8], mu=[-1., 2.],
        sigma=[0.01, 0.01]):
    The log probability of a mixture of normal densities.

    :param value:       The point of evaluation.
    :type value :       float
    :param gamma:       The parameter characterizing the SMC one-parameter
    :type gamma :       float
    :param pi   :       The weights of the components.
    :type pi    :       1D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param mu   :       The mean of each component.
    :type mu    :       1D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :param sigma:       The standard deviation of each component.
    :type sigma :       1D :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    # Make sure everything is a numpy array
    pi = np.array(pi)
    mu = np.array(mu)
    sigma = np.array(sigma)
    # The number of components in the mixture
    n = pi.shape[0]
    # pymc.normal_like requires the precision not the variance:
    tau = np.sqrt(1. / sigma ** 2)
    # The following looks a little bit awkward because of the need for
    # numerical stability:
    p = np.log(pi)
    p += np.array([pymc.normal_like(value, mu[i], tau[i])
                      for i in range(n)])
    p = math.fsum(np.exp(p))
    # logp should never be negative, but it can be zero...
    if p <= 0.:
        return -np.inf
    return gamma * math.log(p)

This might look a little bit complicated but unfortunately one has to take care of round-off errors when sump small numbers... Notice that, we have defined pretty much every part of the mixture as an independent variable. The essential variable that defines the family of (7) is gamma. Well, you don’t actually have to call it gamma, but we will talk about this later...

Let’s import that module and see what we can do with it:

>>> import simple_model as model
>>> print model.mixture.parents
{'mu': [-1.0, 2.0], 'pi': [0.2, 0.8], 'sigma': [0.01, 0.01], 'gamma': 1.0}

The final command shows you all the parents of the stochastic variable mixture. The stochastic variable mixture was assigned a value by default (see line 4 at the code block above). You can see the current value of the stochastic variable at any time by doing:

>>> print model.mixture.value

If we started a MCMC chain at this point, this would be the initial value of the chain. You can change it to anything you want by simply doing:

>>> model.mixture.value = 0.5
>>> print model.mixture.value

To see the logarithm of the probability at the current state of the stochastic variable, do:

>>> print model.mixture.logp

Now, if you want to change, let’s say, gamma to 0.5 all you have to do is:

>>> model.mixture.parents['gamma'] = 0.5
>>> print model.mixture.gamma

The logarithm of the probability should have changed also:

>>> print model.mixture.logp

Attempting to do MCMC

Let’s load the model again and attempt to do MCMC using PyMC‘s functionality:

>>> import simple_model as model
>>> import pymc
>>> mcmc_sampler = pymc.MCMC(model)
>>> mcmc_sampler.sample(1000000, thin=1000, burn=1000)

You should see a progress bar measuring the number of samples taken. It should take about a minute to finish. We are actually doing 10^6 MCMC steps, we burn the first burn = 1000 samples and we are looking at the chain every thin = 1000 samples (i.e., we are dropping everything in between). PyMC automatically picks a proposal (see MCMC step methods) for you. For this particular example it should have picked pymc.step_methods.Metropolis which corresponds to a simple random walk proposal. There is no need to tune the parameters of the random walk since PyMC is supposed to do that for you. In any case, it is possible to find the right variance for the random walk, but you need to know exactly how far apart the modes are...

You may look at the samples we’ve got by doing:

>>> print mcmc_sampler.trace('mixture')[:]
[ 1.9915846   1.93300521  2.09291872  2.05159841  2.06620882  1.88901709
  1.89521431  1.9631256   2.0363258   1.9756637   2.04818845  1.85036634
  1.98907666  1.82212356  1.97678175  1.99854311  1.92124829  2.02077581
  2.08536334  2.16664208  2.08328293  2.05378638  1.89437676  2.09555348

Now, let us plot the results:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> pymc.plot(mcmc_sampler)
>>> plt.show()

The results are shown in Simple Example MCMC Figure. Unless, you are extremely lucky, you should have missed one of the modes...


MCMC fails to capture one of the modes of (6).

Now, let’s see what it takes to make it work. Basically, what we need to do is find the right step for the random walk proposal. Looking at Simple Example Family of PDF’s Figure, it is easy to guess that the right step is 3. So, let’s try this:

>>> import simple_model as model
>>> import pymc
>>> mcmc_sampler = pymc.MCMC(simple_model)
>>> proposal = pymc.Metropolis(model.mixture, proposal_sd=3.)
>>> mcmc_sampler.step_method_dict[model.mixture][0] = proposal
>>> mcmc_sampler.sample(1000000, thin=1000, burn=0,

For more details on selecting/tuning step methods see MCMC step methods. In the last line we have asked PyMC not to tune the parameters of the step method. If we didn’t do that, it would be fooled again. The results are shown in Simple Example MCMC Picked Proposal Figure.


Multi-modal distributions can be captured by simple MCMC only if you have significant prior knowledge about them.

You see that the two modes can be captured by plain MCMC if we actually know how far appart they are. Of course, this is completely useless in a real problem. Most of the times, we are not be able to draw the probability density function and see where the modes are. SMC is here to save the day!

Doing SMC

To finish this example, let’s just see how SMC behaves. As we mentioned earlier, SMC requires:

  • a one-parameter family of probability densities connecting a simple probability density to our target (we created this in simple_example_model), and
  • an MCMC sampler (we saw how to create one in Attempting to do MCMC).

Now, let’s put everything together using the functionality of pysmc.SMC:

import simple_model as model
import pymc
import pysmc

# Construct the MCMC sampler
mcmc_sampler = pymc.MCMC(model)
# Construct the SMC sampler
smc_sampler = pysmc.SMC(mcmc_sampler, num_particles=1000,
                        num_mcmc=10, verbose=1)
# Initialize SMC at gamma = 0.01
# Move the particles to gamma = 1.0
# Get a particle approximation
p = smc_sampler.get_particle_approximation()
# Plot a histogram
pysmc.hist(p, 'mixture')

This code can be found in examples/simple_model_run.py.

In lines 8-9, we initialize the SMC class. Of course, it requires a mcmc_sampler which is a pymc.MCMC object. num_particles specifies the number of particles we wish to use and num_mcmc the number of MCMC steps we are going to perform at each different value of \gamma. The verbose parameter specifies the amount of text the algorithm prints to the standard output. There are many more parameters which are fully documented in pysmc.SMC. In line 11, we initialize the algorithm at \gamma=10^{-2}. This essentially performs a number of MCMC steps at this easy-to-sample-from probability density. It constructs the initialial particle approximation. See pysmc.SMC.initialize() the complete list of arguments. In line 13, we instruct the object to move the particle approximation to \gamma=1, i.e., to the target probability density of this particular example. To see the weights of the final particle approximation, we use pysmc.SMC.weights (e.g., smc_sampler.weights). To get the particles themselves we may use pysmc.SMC.particles (e.g., smc_sampler.particles) which returns a dictionary of the particles. However, it is usually most convenient to access them via pysmc.SMC.get_particle_approximation() which returns a pysmc.ParticleApproximation object.

The output of the algorithm looks like this:

START SMC Initialization
- initializing at gamma : 0.01
- initializing by sampling from the prior: FAILURE
- initializing via MCMC
- taking a total of 10000
- creating a particle every 10
[---------------- 43%                  ] 4392 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[-----------------83%-----------       ] 8322 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
END SMC Initialization
initial  gamma : 0.01
final gamma : 1.0
ess reduction:  0.9
- moving to gamma : 0.0204271802459
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[------------     31%                  ] 3182 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[-----------------62%---               ] 6292 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------93%---------------   ] 9322 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.0382316662144
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[----------       28%                  ] 2822 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[-----------------55%-                 ] 5542 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------81%-----------       ] 8162 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.0677677161458
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[---------        24%                  ] 2442 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[-----------------47%                  ] 4732 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------70%------            ] 7032 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------91%--------------    ] 9172 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.118156872826
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[--------         21%                  ] 2122 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[---------------  42%                  ] 4202 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------62%---               ] 6232 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------81%-----------       ] 8172 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.206496296978
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[-----            15%                  ] 1502 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[------------     33%                  ] 3332 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------48%                  ] 4882 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------66%-----             ] 6602 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
[-----------------82%-----------       ] 8252 of 10000 complete in 2.5 sec
[-----------------96%----------------  ] 9692 of 10000 complete in 3.0 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.326593174468
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[------           16%                  ] 1642 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[------------     32%                  ] 3252 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[-----------------48%                  ] 4842 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------64%----              ] 6412 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
[-----------------79%----------        ] 7942 of 10000 complete in 2.5 sec
[-----------------94%---------------   ] 9432 of 10000 complete in 3.0 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.494246909688
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[-----            14%                  ] 1402 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[----------       28%                  ] 2832 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[---------------- 42%                  ] 4232 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------56%-                 ] 5622 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
[-----------------69%------            ] 6992 of 10000 complete in 2.5 sec
[-----------------83%-----------       ] 8342 of 10000 complete in 3.0 sec
[-----------------96%----------------  ] 9662 of 10000 complete in 3.5 sec
- moving to gamma : 0.680964613537
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[----             13%                  ] 1302 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[---------        25%                  ] 2552 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[--------------   38%                  ] 3832 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------50%                  ] 5032 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
[-----------------62%---               ] 6272 of 10000 complete in 2.5 sec
[-----------------75%--------          ] 7502 of 10000 complete in 3.0 sec
[-----------------86%------------      ] 8672 of 10000 complete in 3.5 sec
[-----------------98%----------------- ] 9842 of 10000 complete in 4.0 sec
- moving to gamma : 1.0
- performing 10 MCMC steps per particle
[----             11%                  ] 1172 of 10000 complete in 0.5 sec
[--------         23%                  ] 2302 of 10000 complete in 1.0 sec
[------------     34%                  ] 3412 of 10000 complete in 1.5 sec
[-----------------44%                  ] 4482 of 10000 complete in 2.0 sec
[-----------------55%-                 ] 5582 of 10000 complete in 2.5 sec
[-----------------67%-----             ] 6702 of 10000 complete in 3.0 sec
[-----------------77%---------         ] 7792 of 10000 complete in 3.5 sec
[-----------------88%-------------     ] 8892 of 10000 complete in 4.0 sec
[-----------------99%----------------- ] 9972 of 10000 complete in 4.5 sec

The figure you should see is shown in Simple Example SMC Histogram Figure. You see that SMC has no problem discovering the two modes, even though we have not hand-picked the parameters of the MCMC proposal.


SMC easily discovers both modes of (6)

Initializing SMC with just the model

It is also possible to initialize SMC without explicitly specifying a pymc.MCMC. This allows PyMC to select everything for you. It can be done like this:

import simple_model as model
import pysmc

# Construct the SMC sampler
smc_sampler = pysmc.SMC(model, num_particles=1000,
                        num_mcmc=10, verbose=1)
# Do whatever you want to smc_sampler...

Dumping the data to a database

At the moment we support only a very simple database (see pysmc.DataBase) which is built on cPickle. There are two options of pysmc.SMC that you need to specify when you want to use the database functionality: db_filename and update_db. See the documentation of pysmc.SMC for their complete details. If you are using a database, you can force the current state of SMC to be written to it by calling pysmc.commit(). If you want to access a database, the all you have to do is use the attribute pysmc.db. Here is a very simple illustration of what you can do with this:

import simple_model as model
import pysmc

smc_sampler = pysmc.SMC(model, num_particles=1000,
                        num_mcmc=10, verbose=1,

As you have probably grasped until now, this will construct an initial particle approximation at \gamma=0.01 and it will move it to \gamma=0.5. The db_filename option specifies the file on which the database will write data. Let us assume that the file does not exist. Then, it will be created. The option update_db specifies that SMC should commit data to the database everytime it moves to another \gamma. Now, assume that you quit python. The database is saved in db.pickle. If you want to continue from the point you had stopped, all you have to do is:

import simple_model as model
import pysmc

smc_sampler = pysmc.SMC(model, num_particles=1000,
                        num_mcmc=10, verbose=1,

Now, we have just skipped the initialization line. Sine the database already exists, pysmc.SMC looks at it and initializes the particle approximation from the last state stored in it. Therefore, you actually start moving from \gamma=0.5 to \gamma=1.

Making a movie of the particles

If you have stored the particle approximations of the various \gamma‘s in a database, then it is possible to make a movie out of them using pysmc.make_movie_from_db(). Here is how:

import pysmc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the database
db = pysmc.DataBase.load('db.pickle')
# Make the movie
movie = make_movie_from_db(db, 'mixture')
# See the movie
# Save the movie

The movie created in this way can be downloaded from videos/smc_movie.mp4.

Sampling in Parallel

With pysmc it is possible to carry out the sampling procedure in parallel. As is well known, SMC is embarransingly parallelizable. Taking it to the extreme, its process has to deal with only one particle. Communication is only necessary when there is a need to resample the particle approximation and for finding the next \gamma in the sequence of probability densities. Parallelization in pysmc is achieved with the help of mpi4py. Here is a simple example:

import pysmc
import simple_model as model
import mpi4py.MPI as mpi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Construct the SMC sampler
smc_sampler = pysmc.SMC(model, num_particles=1000,
                        num_mcmc=10, verbose=1,
                        mpi=mpi, gamma_is_an_exponent=True)
# Initialize SMC at gamma = 0.01
# Move the particles to gamma = 1.0
# Get a particle approximation
p = smc_sampler.get_particle_approximation()
# Plot a histogram
pysmc.hist(p, 'mixture')
if mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0:

As you can see the only difference is at line 3 where mpi4py is instantiated, line 8 where mpi is passed as an argument to pysmc.SMC and the last two lines where we simply specify that only one process should attempt to plot the histogram.